Doctor Love is a romance based comedy film directed by K. Biju and was produced by Joy Thomas and Sakthikulangara in 2011. The film includes the main roles encompassing Kunchacko Boban, Bhavana, Ananya, Manikuttan, Renjith Menon, Salim Kumar. The story describes the youngster who made his way to find out his beloved. The man's name was entitled as Vinaya Chandran who was characterized by Kunchacko Boban and the girl who he need to find out was Ebin(characterized by Bhavana). Her role was more powerful than a normal girl. She has got an extra limb to survive any difficulties and used her guts to stand against any man. Bhavana has got a extra powerful role in the film. Whereas Vinaya Chandran needs to announce a love war against Bhavana to make her convinced with his friend Roy(Hemanth Menon). She won't like him at all. The story was characterized in a college campus. It was a thrilling experience for the audience to view the cinema and it hits the top on the box-office. It returns much more than expected as it values.
Bhavana photos and Images